According to the latest data, there are approximately 3.09 billion active video gamers worldwide. That figure has risen by over 1 billion in just seven years (that’s a 32% increase). And the number of gamers is expected to hit 3.32 billion by 2024. These statistics show that the rise of gaming services, whether free or subscription-based is an important business for investors and enthusiasts who want to seize the […]
The number of permanent employees is significantly reducing across many organizations, especially in the IT industry. Today, 56% of the global workforce prefers working on a freelance basis to manage their own schedule. 11.7% of the global workforce thinks that independent contracting doesn’t limit them to a fixed income. In other words, this mode of employee-employer collaboration is gaining traction. That aside, hiring IT contractors […]
Technology consumption is at an all-time high with companies using an average of 110 SaaS solutions to fulfill various customer needs. This represents a 38% in the last year alone and a 1,275% increase in the last seven years. Although some businesses choose to use ready-made software solutions on subscription plans, a majority of businesses still prefer building their custom systems from scratch. In that […]
There is more to scaling engineering teams than meets the eye. It’s a practice that goes beyond hiring additional in-house or offshore mobile developers, and into enabling new hires to adapt to the company’s application architectures. It’s also about ensuring development practices align with the company’s culture, establishing communication channels, setting metrics, building a flexible team structure, and many more. And the importance of doing […]
Since its advent, the global delivery model hasn’t had difficulties gaining traction. It has revolutionized the IT landscape, with many companies eager to adopt it. Software development outsourcing is one of the key factors driving its popularity, allowing technology firms to partner with developers from across the globe. This article focuses on the different types of global IT delivery models, digging deeper into their benefits, […]
One of the benefits of using cloud technology is reducing infrastructure costs and paying only for what employees actually use. This approach is only gaining momentum. According to Gartner’s research, more than 70% of companies have already migrated their workloads into the public cloud. However, cloud migration projects require serious thought and consideration for all user groups when it comes to budget. Often the IT […]
Outsourcing and outstaffing in software development are nothing new, especially in an era where digitization of information is vital. Many companies are taking advantage of the vast offshore developer talent pool that gives their brand a competitive edge. However, while the IT outsourcing industry (saying in general) is growing at breakneck speeds, valued at $92.5bn; some people in business still ponder if offshore software development […]
It’s no secret that software development is a complex process that involves a lot of thinking, analyzing, and planning. While it may seem simple to an established, overstaffed enterprise, some aspects of the project development process, skills, and expertise might not be available within your company’s existing team. In fact, nine in every ten managers have expressed a rising skill gap amidst today’s digital transformation. […]
These days, more and more people are taking advantage of the benefits of virtual teams and running their everyday operations remotely. In fact, a whopping 98 percent of survey respondents expressed an interest in working from home at some time in their lives, and this was before the COVID-19 outbreak. Since the pandemic, the number of businesses operating remotely has climbed significantly. More business owners […]