Fostering Gender Diversity in Cybersecurity – Benefits, Challenges, and Best Practices

The cybersecurity field, long dominated by men, is gradually becoming more diverse. Currently, women represent 25% of the global cybersecurity workforce, a number expected to increase to 30% by 2025. This change is critical as cyber threats grow more sophisticated. A diverse team offers stronger solutions and defenses, introducing fresh perspectives that enhance safety for everyone.

Gender Diversity in Cybersecurity

However, there’s still a significant need to spread awareness about the critical role of gender diversity in cybersecurity. By highlighting the importance of narrowing the gender gap, we can speed up the process of promoting an inclusive environment in this industry. This article goes deeper into this subject and suggests proactive measures for fostering inclusiveness in the digital landscape.

Read on.

What is Diversity in Cyber Security?

Diversity in cybersecurity means embracing different genders, races, ethnicities, ages, educational backgrounds, and skills when hiring. A diverse team presents an array of perspectives and problem-solving strategies that fuel innovation. It improves the effectiveness of decision-making. Also, organizations with increased gender diversity on their boards have a 27% higher chance of excelling financially compared to those with limited diversity.

Factors Contributing to the Gender Gap in Cybersecurity

While strides have been made to close the gender gap in cybersecurity, certain factors still hinder progress. Here are some of the factors that contribute to the lack of diversity in cybersecurity, especially in gender representation.

Societal Stereotypes

Deep-seated assumptions that tech jobs are only for men have a huge impact on narrowing the gender gap. This stereotype discourages young women from pursuing higher education training in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Currently, women make up only 28% of workers in these fields. The established misconception that women do not have technological skills also discourages them from considering cybersecurity as a possible career path.

Industry Bias

Despite efforts to promote diversity, many organizations engage in subconscious biases and favor male applicants over equally competent female applicants. According to Deloitte, gender bias is a widespread barrier to women taking leadership positions in tech. This bias may also impact performance review and promotion opportunities, fueled by the perception that women are better suited to non-technical roles.

Lack of Representation and Role Models

The scarcity of representation and role models in cybersecurity serves to compound the existing gender gap. When women don’t find other women to look up to in the industry, they may begin to entertain doubts about their capabilities and sense of belonging.

This lack of representation and role models not only undermines confidence but also affects access to networking opportunities. It is vital to tackle this issue by actively promoting and amplifying women’s visibility in computer science domains — female role models capable of inspiring and mentoring upcoming generations of women pursuing careers in this field.

Workplace Culture and Exclusion

Hostile work environments, sexism, discrimination, harassment, or inadequate support make it difficult for women to thrive in tech-related fields. According to the ‘State of Inclusion for Women in Cybersecurity report 2023′, female employees in cyber industries face significantly higher levels of exclusion, particularly in areas of respect, compared to other sectors.

Organizations must cultivate an inclusive culture that appreciates diverse viewpoints and backgrounds while ensuring everyone feels secure and encouraged.

Challenges Facing Women in Cybersecurity

Women face various challenges when working in cybersecurity roles. Let’s explore these obstacles that hinder gender diversity in the industry.

Unequal Pay

One of the most significant barriers to gender diversity in cybersecurity is the wage disparity between men and women. Studies repeatedly demonstrate that females earn less than males in this sector. According to the most recent data, just 18% of women in the profession earn between $50,000 and $100,000 per year —c ompared to 32% of their male colleagues. This inequality harms output.

Imposter Syndrome

Impostor syndrome is another obstacle for many women in this industry. They struggle with feelings of inadequacy or not belonging. This phenomenon is widespread among women in leadership positions, with 75% of them experiencing it at some point in their careers, according to KPMG findings. This self-doubt can erode confidence and limit job performance among female cybersecurity professionals.

Limited Career Advancement

Career growth prospects for women in this field are sometimes limited, creating hurdles to advancement within the field. Only 21% of top positions are held by women. Others are entry-level and mid-level positions. This incapacity to move up the job ladder limits their ability to fully employ their abilities or participate in critical decision-making.

Work-Life Balance

Balancing work and family life is a big problem for women in information security, where constant availability and vigilance are required. Striking this delicate balance may be stressful for women who want to grow professionally while still managing personal responsibilities. According to Boston Consulting Group data, 37% of women say that establishing proper work-life balance is difficult when working in cybersecurity.

Importance of Encouraging Gender Diversity in Cybersecurity

The importance of encouraging gender diversity in any industry cannot be overstated. It is even more important in cybersecurity, a well-known men’s club. Here are some of the top reasons to implement more gender-based D&I programs in organizations.

Expanded Talent Pool

The cybersecurity industry is experiencing acute personnel shortages. According to reports, there are over 4 million vacant cybersecurity roles worldwide. Gender inclusion eliminates the barriers that prevent women from entering the field of cybersecurity. In fact, it narrows this skill gap. Businesses can access a larger talent pool as well as a broader diversity of talents, experiences, and perspectives. As a result, the workforce is more robust and dynamic, allowing it to effectively address the developing cyber threat situation.

Increased Profitability

According to McKinsey, there is a compelling link between diversity in teams and enhanced profitability for companies. Those that prioritize diversity are increasingly outperforming their less diverse counterparts.

By welcoming varied backgrounds and perspectives, organizations tap into a wealth of innovative ideas that bolster their cybersecurity products and services. Gender-diverse teams also provide a broader understanding of customer needs, enabling companies to connect more effectively with their target audience. This deeper engagement translates into more potent cybersecurity strategies and, ultimately, business expansion.

Enhanced Problem-Solving & Innovation

When you bring together people with different backgrounds, viewpoints, and ways of tackling security issues, it sparks innovation. Research even suggests that teams that embrace diversity make better decisions, with an 87% higher chance than those that don’t. It fosters a collaborative atmosphere where everyone feels included and empowered to think creatively. This variety of problem-solving approaches is key to staying ahead of constantly evolving cyber threats.

Better Reputation & Brand Image

Advocating for gender diversity enhances an organization’s reputation and brand image. Gender-sensitive companies attract positive attention from clients, potential employees,& stakeholders.

These entities are seen as progressive, inclusive, and forward-thinking. But that’s not all. Gender diversity can also be used as a strong recruiting tool. A strong brand image is essential for securing critical assets and fostering a workplace culture that attracts and retains top talent in the industry.

Improved Organizational Performance & Resilience

Gender diversity is essential for making companies stronger and more adaptable. People in diverse teams experience better morale, job satisfaction, and productivity. Studies even show that diverse teams communicate more effectively, think creatively, and collaborate more. Put together, these elements create a more resilient organization. By actively fostering gender diversity, cybersecurity organizations can boost overall performance and prepare for future challenges.


How To Encourage Gender Diversity in Cybersecurity

Closing the gender gap demands proactive efforts and a commitment to promoting gender diversity at work. Here are 9 steps to encourage more women to pursue careers in cybersecurity.

  1. Offer Diversity Training

One of the first measures toward increasing gender diversity is to provide comprehensive diversity training programs. These training sessions should teach employees the importance of diversity and inclusion, emphasizing the advantages of diverse teams in solving difficult cybersecurity issues. Such training can also assist in debunking unconscious bias that may inhibit women from starting or progressing in their careers.

  1. Promote Inclusive Hiring Practices

Ensuring fair and equitable recruiting processes is another important part of fostering cybersecurity diversity. Organizations should invest in deliberated recruiting techniques to attract a wide range of individuals. Job descriptions should be gender-neutral. They should focus on skills and credentials above gender-specific characteristics.

Human resources staff should also be taught to recognize and eradicate unconscious biases throughout the recruiting process. This will ensure that all candidates have an equal opportunity to demonstrate their talents and potential.

  1. Create a Welcoming Environment

A welcoming and inclusive work atmosphere is critical to attracting and maintaining diverse cybersecurity experts. How does this work? It’s easy. Organizations should foster an environment of respect, acceptance, and equal opportunity. Mentorship programs and employee resource groups committed to aiding underrepresented individuals should also be established and encouraged. This will offer a sense of belonging and help with professional development.

Additionally, offering support systems, actively listening to employees’ concerns and ideas, and promoting open and inclusive decision-making processes all contribute to a stronger sense of inclusion within the company.

  1. Provide Equal Opportunities for Growth

Gender diversity in cyber security cannot be achieved without equal growth opportunities. Organizations should establish clear career paths and advancement opportunities for women, which include leadership development programs and unbiased promotion evaluations. Let’s not forget about the issue of the salary gap. Salary equality should also be considered. Men and women in the same job role should be in a similar salary bracket.

By offering equal pay and clear pathways for growth, organizations demonstrate their commitment to nurturing diverse talent and creating an atmosphere of fairness and opportunity, fostering employee engagement and retention.

  1. Encourage Diverse Perspectives

Gender diversity provides cybersecurity teams with distinct perspectives and experiences, allowing them to more effectively address difficult issues. Organizations should leverage this benefit by cultivating an environment of open communication and inclusion. Teams should be encouraged to interact and hold discussions that appreciate diverse perspectives, experiences, and skills. Embracing diversity of thinking results in more imaginative ideas and improves an organization’s risk management capacity.

  1. Educational Programs and Scholarships

One of the most effective methods to promote gender diversity in tech is via targeted educational programs and scholarships. By creating educational opportunities exclusively for women, the sector can encourage more women to seek jobs in cybersecurity. There are several of these programs intended specifically for women, like the CyberGirls Fellowship offered by the Cybersafe Foundation.

Other programs can be found at the Women in Cybersecurity (WiCyS) website. These initiatives can close the gender gap by providing women with the information and skills needed to succeed in the sector.

  1. Support Diversity Networks and Mentorship Opportunities

Increasing funding for mentorship programs and diversity networks is another successful tactic for promoting diversity in tech. Creating and promoting a strong network of successful women in tech can help women in cybersecurity experience a feeling of belonging and strength. Professional associations, mentoring programs, and networking events are the kinds of programs that promote teamwork and provide women with a forum to interact, exchange stories, and get advice from seasoned pros.

  1. Measure and Track Diversity Metrics

Measuring and tracking diversity metrics is crucial to ensure progress and identify areas that need improvement. By setting diversity goals and regularly assessing the representation of women handling cybersecurity roles, organizations can identify gaps or challenges preventing gender diversity in the industry. With this information, targeted interventions can be devised to address these issues, promoting inclusivity and diversity.

  1. Encourage Flexible Work-Life Balance

Flexibility in work-life balance is another feature that can help attract and keep women in cybersecurity. This can include flexible hours, remote work, and parental leave policies. Remote work reduces geographical restrictions and provides options for women who may face constraints due to location or family obligations. Offering remote work choices allows organizations to tap into a larger pool of talent, and improves the likelihood of recruiting talented women to cybersecurity roles.

Newxel’s Role in Encouraging Diversity in Cybersecurity

As a well-known global IT staffing provider delivering IT staff augmentation and R&D centers worldwide, Newxel has a strong responsibility to encourage diversity in the tech industry.

In one of our recent collaborations, where we were hiring a DevOps professional in cybersecurity for one of our clients, we received 529 applications — but only 6 were from women. This example highlights the stark reality of gender disparity within the cybersecurity field, where women remain underrepresented.

Our response to this challenge at Newxel is simple. When it comes to building or hiring cybersecurity specialists, we understand that skills and expertise are gender-neutral. We make sure not to start any hiring process with typical stereotypes or biases.

We consider every applicant, regardless of gender, when assembling a team for cybersecurity staff augmentation roles, and choose the most qualified candidates for our clients. Our hiring approach is designed to foster inclusivity, providing everyone with a fair chance of entering and succeeding in the cybersecurity industry.

Discover how Newxel can help you build a diverse team to tackle today’s cyber threats.


Promoting gender diversity is not just an issue of equality, but also of strategic importance. Organizations can better address today’s complex digital issues when men and women bring their different views and abilities. This encourages innovation, increases resilience, and enhances overall efficacy in combating cyber threats.

For a gender-diverse IT security team, tap into Newxel’s cybersecurity expertise. Our wide network of talented professionals ensures you’ll have an inclusive team ready to handle any security issues your organization encounters.

Boost your cybersecurity structure with a team of diverse specialists from different parts of the world. Book a consultation with Newxel experts to get started.


Is gender diversity important in the cybersecurity sector?
Yes, it is. Gender diversity plays a vital role in cybersecurity. It injects fresh perspectives, diverse experiences, and innovative problem-solving approaches into teams. This collaboration of men and women — with their unique expertise and backgrounds — enhances the ability to tackle a wide array of cyber threats effectively.
What are some challenges to gender diversity?
Challenges to gender diversity include the low number of women in the industry, gender preconceptions and bias, and a scarcity of female mentors and support networks. Let's not forget institutional and cultural biases that suggest women are better suited to research and support roles rather than technical roles.
Does gender diversity impact cybersecurity outcomes?
Yes, it does. Diverse teams are better poised to identify and tackle various cyber risks effectively owing to their unique viewpoints and capabilities.
How can organizations promote gender diversity in their teams?
Organizations can promote diversity by implementing equitable hiring practices that provide equal chances for skill enhancement and career progression. Additionally, supporting women through mentorship initiatives and support programs while nurturing an inclusive workplace culture is important. Addressing gender biases head-on is also vital to creating an environment where all individuals thrive.
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